I hope you are doing well! I am particularly concerned about those of you who are living in the parts of the United States affected by severe weather over the weekend. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It seems that nature is intent on reminding us that we are but a small part of the picture. Accepting this fact with humility and grace seems to be the only way to move forward at the moment.
Here's my list of joy for this week:
- Advice to address stress and strain on your body. These videos are from Bob & Brad, physical therapists with a popular YouTube channel. Bob and Brad are funny and have great chemistry, and offer techniques to get rid of headaches, sciatica, shoulder pain, and even plantar fasciitis and back spasms. They're pretty technical, but they're short, about 10-12 minutes. They recommend stretches and exercises that can be done in all kinds of circumstances, even in bed, as well as workouts for specific needs. Here's one for headaches behind the skull and eyes, and here's a beginner, at-home, 10-minute workout.
- Hand massage tutorial. This is specifically for those of you who are on the computer a lot, or perhaps have arthritis or feel your stress in your hands, the way I do. Homespa Beauty has a number of wonderful tutorials but I love this one for hands. I also love this self-massage for sore feet!
- How to grocery shop safely. How are you all doing with grocery shopping? We've got a designated person in our household who does all the outside activities (groceries, drugstore visits, etc.). Recently, we've been wondering if we should be concerned about all the hands our groceries pass through before we get them, and we've started unpacking things and leaving them outside for a bit before bringing them in, but this article addressees all of these questions and is very reassuring about what we can do to safely grocery shop.
- Is restaurant food safe? I have been trying to think of all the ways in which I can support my local business community, and one way is by ordering from restaurants that have been able to transition to take-out food. This article explains that ordering take-out from restaurants is probably safe. As it turns out, there is quite a bit of research on transmission of coronaviruses through food handling, and there has never been any indication that they transmit via food. Hand-wash diligently and maybe skip the uncooked food options (like sandwiches), but otherwise, patronize establishments that have a good set-up so that you can minimize personal interaction. Don't forget, restaurants are all required to have staff trained in safe food handling practices. They already know about how to handle food safely.
- Some Good News YouTube Show from Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. A show that promises only good news! The interaction between these husband-wife actors is wonderful, and you'll be left with only good feelings. Check out this episode where they bring joy to a young Hamilton fan whose trip to New York to see her favorite musical was canceled by the pandemic. Nice to have friends in high places, and even better to share this joy with the world!
- Tiny Desk Concerts Go Home. You may be familiar with National Public Radio's Tiny Desk Concerts series, where artists in a variety of genres are invited into a small office at their studios to perform. Well, they've had to put those concerts on hold during the current emergency, but fortunately, a number of artists have been able to record mini-concerts from home. Here's a fabulous concert from five-time Grammy Award winner Michael McDonald.
- Bonus: for some of us it was the biggest holiday of the religious year yesterday, and yet we weren't able to get to church or have celebrations with family and friends. If you are okay with watching a Christian sermon, this one from Episcopal Presiding Bishop The Most Reverence Michael Bruce Curry (the same priest who did the sermon for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) is beautiful. My favorite quote:
Easter had happened. Mary didn’t know it, but she did what love does anyway.
We don't know what's going on, but neither did anyone else that terrible weekend in Jerusalem. Easter was happening but no one knew it. My goal right now is to “do what love does anyway.” What can I do? I can write and reach out to people. I can take care of family. I can decline to spread this virus. All we have to do is “do what love does anyway.”
Have a good, safe, healthy week. I will “see” everyone again on Friday. Please write if you need to reach out to someone right now!