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Joy for the Week Ahead 13 April 2020


I hope you are doing well! I am particularly concerned about those of you who are living in the parts of the United States affected by severe weather over the weekend. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It seems that nature is intent on reminding us that we are but a small part of the picture. Accepting this fact with humility and grace seems to be the only way to move forward at the moment.

Here's my list of joy for this week:

Easter had happened. Mary didn’t know it, but she did what love does anyway.

We don't know what's going on, but neither did anyone else that terrible weekend in Jerusalem. Easter was happening but no one knew it. My goal right now is to “do what love does anyway.” What can I do? I can write and reach out to people. I can take care of family. I can decline to spread this virus. All we have to do is “do what love does anyway.”

Have a good, safe, healthy week. I will “see” everyone again on Friday. Please write if you need to reach out to someone right now!

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