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Strike by D.J. MacHale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Unbelievable! Unfortunately, I can't really say anything…because…spoilers…really, really big spoilers! So frustrating! I don't dare say a word about the plot. Please start with book one, and please keep going through ALL of book three. D.J. MacHale is a fabulous storyteller. I wasn't really wowed by the writing itself, but this was not meant to be beautiful prose, it was meant to be crisp, effective storytelling, which it was, 100% of the time. I'm not surprised that MacHale is a TV/movie producer. Every time I thought the story was going to go one way, he flipped it and it went in another direction. It was actually convincing, too. No crazy situations where the characters suddenly do things that don't make sense. Each and every move was something you could buy into. Start with SYLO, book 1. Do it!